Srilanka Government

Jaffna Railway Station

The railway station in Jaffna is being reconstructed by the Sri Lanka Railways with the assistance...


Colombo Fort Railway Station

This is the main railway station situated in the heart of Colombo. The building was built and put in...

Issuing Railway Seasons Tickets

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Railway Time Table Revision

With effect from 16.01.2024, the train schedule of Coast Railway Line has been revised as follows.

Ruhunu Kumari Express Train (Train No. 8059) will stars from Matara Station

Matara  06.05 AM   Maradana  09.13 AM

Galu Kumari Express Line Train (Train No. 8057) will stars from Beliatta Station

Beliatta 05.25 AM Maradana  09.46 AM


Trains canceled on Northern Line from 07/01/2024

From 07/01/2024, the following trains have been canceled for 6 months period due to the modernization project of the railway lines from Maho Junction to Anuradhapura on the Northern Line.



Northern Line Temporarily Closed on 07.01.2024 (Maho to Anuradhapura)

The Northern line between Maho / Anuradhapura will be closed for a period of 06 months from 07.01.2024 under the Northern Railway Development Project to enhance the track condition of Northern Line from Maho to Anuradhapura in order to facilitate the safe, efficient and comfortable transportation for the passengers and freight transportation.

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